Please join us in extending our best wishes to Dr. Rosenblum, who is retiring at the end of June 2023. Dr. Rosenblum has been an esteemed member of our care center for nearly 50 years, and she will be greatly missed by patients and colleagues alike. Please click through to read her letter.
Dear Patients,
After nearly 50 years in medicine, I plan to retire at the end of June 2023.
I never regretted my choice of profession, even when women in medicine were a bit of a rarity. I have come to know many of my patients and their families as friends and I am honored to have taken care of two generations in the same family.
I know I have been blessed to have been a part of your lives - to have shared experiences with you - both yours and mine. I have felt your joys and sadness and reveled in your children's successes.
It is daunting to pursue the next new adventure in my life - but change is a part of life. One of the avenues I am pursuing is addressing the backlog of children in need of a formal autism diagnosis, a necessary step to receiving therapy.
I am leaving you in the capable hands of my colleagues.