It is very difficult to know how much pain teething produces. There is also uncertainty as to the relationship between teething and its association with diarrhea, fever, ear infections, body rashes or sleep problems. These are common associations made by parents, but they have never been proven in studies.
Initial tooth eruption usually begins at 6-10 months of age. The early symptoms of teething include excess drooling, increased saliva, and desire to chew and gnaw. Occasionally, swelling or bruising of the gums can occur prior to eruption, especially with the larger molars. However, mouthing is a common infant behavior that starts at 3-4 months and consists of all the above behaviors. Try and look at teething as "background noise." All babies get 20 baby teeth, but our expectation is that they should continue to sleep through the night.
The best treatment for teething is gum massage by rubbing the gums or through the use of teething rings. A frozen wet washcloth is also enjoyed by most babies.
There is controversy as to the usefulness of topically applied gels. They contain benzocaine (a local short-acting anesthetic) and if swallowed in large amounts may affect your baby's heart rhythm. Benzocaine may also cause a drug reaction or make some babies uncomfortable because it numbs your baby's mouth and throat.