We recommend the following safety measures for newborns:
- If you borrow a crib or buy an old one, the side slats should be no more than 2 and 3/8 inches apart. This distance is too small for a baby's head to fit through, which helps avoid strangulation. Also, check for peeling paint or splintered wood.
- Always keep the mattress of your crib on the lowest possible setting. Cribs without adjustable sides are now recommended.
- Never leave your baby unattended on a changing table, couch or bed. If you turn away, even for an instant, your infant can roll over and fall to the floor.
- Check regularly to see that your smoke detectors are working. Work out a plan of escape from your house with your spouse or older children. Buy an escape ladder to help you exit from a second-story window. Keep a fire extinguisher in or near the kitchen.
- Make sure you have carbon monoxide detectors in the basement and near all bedrooms.
- Never leave your infant sitting in an infant seat on a counter or table. Your child may use his legs to topple the seat, and he may fall to the floor.
- Never tie or hang a pacifier around your child's neck. If it catches on something in a fall it could cause serious harm.
- Never drink a hot beverage near your baby. A well-placed infant kick could cause a serious scald burn to your child. Don't cook with a child at your feet.